Thursday, July 31, 2008

Of Coffee, Cigarettes and The Sands Of Time.

Time, man's immortal foe, and god's spokesman on earth. Despite the luxurious life style today's technology can offer us, humanity yet fails to control and defy time, the fourth dimension as some would call it. Hours spent behind pages, black boards, and computers have only managed to help us organize what we wish we could deem chaotic and random. After all, a certain eerie type of order does lurk inside the most chaotic events. I, myself with no proper knowledge or prior preparation, tried to defy its rules and hopefully reach a state where I no longer cared for the regulations it imposed. Of course some might question or even ridicule my impotent attempts to fight the ultimate factor in this world we live in. But I think I have suffered enough to be able to talk about my experience. I have been cursed by the chaotic trait, in other words I never managed to present myself as an organized human being. Things or objects seem to have the ability to reproduce around me, in a one day span what seemed to be normal house hold properties can multiply or even quadruple in my presence. And just last week I discovered I had a huge TV box that was being occupied by things I've never used in three years and will never either.   

But my debate is far more focused than the physical results of my greatest rivals. Two years ago, I was passing through a certain psychological and social phase, which severely affected my education and other aspects of my life. The only reasonable and sensible resolution at that moment seemed to be the ability to escape time and its limitations. As hectic and crazed as it seems, I blamed the master of disguise for all of my problems, and sought asylum beyond its doors. After all desperate men take desperate counter measures. For weeks if not months I used to lock myself in my room reading all the books they said would work, from cheap soft covers to huge encyclopedic volumes dealing with the subject; both from a physical point of view and a philosophical one. For hours I would force my hand and brain to splatter insane theories, phrases and sometimes drawings to accelerate the arrival of the long awaited stratagem. So I was plotting a hideous device that would bring me closer to a god-like nature. Little did I know at that time, that I was on my way to self destruction, and instead of salvation I only reached annihilation. As far as I know I was doing something superior, on a secret mission to join the ubber genus. But others seemed to digress, and before I know it people around me started to sense a feel of insanity raging in my head, I will not deny it either; for when I remember myself back then, I deem that person foreign and rather bizarre.

So, as the days went by, I was confronted by some of my friend and they expressed deep worries about my state, emotional, intellectual and even physical. Lack of sleep started to affect my body, my motor skills and even memory. Fatigue started to crawl slowly and my short term memory seemed to be immobilized. Swift and sudden anger, hostility against others that at certain part started to take a physical form. And then one day it came to me, but it was far more than what was expected. I remember that winter day, it was snowing, I was looking outside when the curtain caught my attention. Up to this day I have no idea why it related, but suicide seemed to be the only possible way to defeat time. It was in death that I found the answer to all of my questions. It didn't last for more than three seconds, I was looking at the corner where the cold steel bar and the curtain rings perfectly met. And in that small piece of metal that hardly required any craft I saw the answer and the remedy. The only way to defy the fourth dimension was by suicide or some other form of self inflicted death.

It took me a couple of hours to snap out of that dark dim mood and realize I was wasting time instead of saving it. I had to manipulate and bend time to my own desires instead of running away from it. For its laws apply to every single act we take, no matter how insignificant or minute. That very obvious and evident sense of purpose was lying around me; sometimes laughing too, awaiting to be revealed. We can't simply ignore the fact that if it wasn't for this force we would've all been deemed gods if we were able to control it.

1 comment:

sayah said...

Its funny how people don't realize how much of a blessing our time here really is. Cause its very short in terms of the age of the universe. I loved this "For its laws apply to every single act we take, no matter how insignificant or minute." Cause things keep moving,regardless if you move with it. Things keep progressing. The universe is expanding... Salam